
Lakshmipur Village PATARGHAT Panchayat PATARGHAT is situated in Saharsa District. People of this village are living in very peaceful manner. This village having very proud history. Agriculture is the main profession of this village. Still this village is waiting for Industrial development. Education, Drinking water, Road and Electricity are the main concern of this village. Young generation is more attracted towards mobile, Laptop and computer technology these days. If banks and finance institutions proved loan and other financial support to the villagers, this village will see the real development. Medical and health services has to be improved.

The route of going there from Madhepura . In north is Goghanpatti, South is Tilathi, east is Jamaraha and west is Bhagwatpur village.
   Ancient history is here that in Aryabart era patahatt university was here, and most of student read here .but after sometime it ws collepsed. Presently  that was under supervision of historian. Although here is nothigh school or college but the villagers are very consious about education . The most educated persons of Patarghat Panchayat  are living in this village. Engineers, doctors, professor, railway employee, above dozen of teachers and so many government servents are in this vilaage. A government Prarthmik Swasthya Upkendra is also here where villagers are going for primary treatment.
At last but not least to say this village that Lakshmipur is very peaceful village among  other under dristict Saharsa, state Bihar (INDIA)